Law & Governance

With the payoff of disgraced ex-CBL Governor Tarlue, President Boakai signals that his mission is now to destroy Liberia.

Wonderr Koryenen Freeman, Attorney, CFCS

President Joseph Nyumah Boakai was elected on a mantra of “Rescue Mission”. The rationale behind the slogan was that Liberia was so badly run under ex-President George Weah that Liberia needed to be rescued. Knowing Mr. Boakai’s long history of ineptitude and corruption, a few of us vigorously cautioned that Mr. Boakai was the unlikeliest candidate to rescue Liberia. My classic admonition in this regard was my March 2023 article:
Much earlier, I also warned that George Weah and his CDC hooligans, masquerading as the Government of Liberia, was never going to survive, but that Mr. Boakai was not the alternative – in the articles:

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The Tarlue PayOff

President Boakai paid US$374k to Aloysius Tarlue, an ex-CBL Governor who is accused of corruption. What's your view?

In short, Liberians were adequately warned that Mr. Joseph Boakai was a disaster waiting to happen. But, of course, like the Charles Taylor scenario, Liberians in massive numbers decided it was definitely going to be either disaster #1, the George Weah kleptocracy, or disaster #2, the Joseph Boakai ineptitude and corruption. So far, Mr. Boakai has not disappointed those of us who harbored a grim view of his leadership abilities. He has validated these forebodings again and again.
In 2024, Mr. Boakai went over and above to validate his critics. He has demonstrated a callous disregard for the laws of Liberia and an even more callous and cavalier attitude toward the finances of Liberia. He started his Presidency with bribery, an impeachable offense under Liberia’s constitution and virtually the world over. Mr. Boakai resorted to bribery on two other occasions and ultimately ignited the longest dysfunction in Liberia’s legislative history, which dysfunction is still simmering.
See: .

Having gotten away with impunity for his alleged bribery, Mr. Boakai also openly defied the Supreme Court and refused to implement two decisions of the Supreme Court, first, in the matter of the removal of Liberia Telecoms Authority (LTA) and second, in the matter of the appointment of the Acting CBL Governor. It must be said that under Liberia’s 1986, undermining the separation of powers constitutes sufficient grounds for impeachment and removal from office. However, with a Legislative bogged down with their own malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance, Mr. Boakai had less to worry about in terms of resistance. So, after removing LTA commissioners illegally and after defying the Supreme Court over their reinstatement, Mr. Boakai continued his reckless disregard for the financial resources of Liberia by paying off commissioners that he himself accused of corruption and suspended. See story .

For a detailed documentation of Mr. Boakai disastrous first year in power, you can check out: See also

The Mission to Destroy Liberia

Fast forward to 2025, if anyone thought that Mr. Boakai was going to slow down on his unconstitutional actions and utterly reckless expenditure of GOL funds, well, you were solely mistaken. Mr. Boakai has kicked up the new year with the mother of all betrayals. Voted on the promise to “rescue” Liberia from George Weah/CDC kleptocracy and incessant “buga-dancing,” President Boakai has literally embarked on a mission to destroy Liberia. This is the only logical conclusion to be reached regarding the Boakai administration’s decision to pay off ex-CBL Governor J. Aloysius Tarlue. At this point, it is not known if his Deputy, Ms. Nyemade Pearson, was equally extended the same “golden handshake”. But it is not farfetched to imagine that this state’s largess was equally extended to her – since both were similarly situated, legally speaking. The bottom line is that Mr. Boakai attempted to remove Mr. Tarlue but failed to follow the procedure outlined in the CBL law. Realizing that this was not a case the GOL could win and realizing further that his attempts to get his tribal man, Henry Saamoi, to get the CBL top job could be jeopardized if the GOL lost the case, he opted to settle. It clearly seems to me that Mr. Boakai values the appointment of his tribal man, Mr. Saamoi, above and beyond the general well-being of the rest of us in Liberia. So, even though Mr. Tarlue, the ex-CBL Governor was implicated in a massive corruption scandal running into the hundreds of millions of US dollars, striking a deal with Tarlue was more important for Mr. Boakai than seeking justice for the Liberian state.

Revisiting the Massive Corruption at the CBL under Tarlue and Others’ Watch.

In July of 2024, the General Auditing Commission (GAC) completed and released a damning dossier of corruption, mismanagement, and ineptitude at the nation’s Central Bank – CBL. As an initial reaction, Mr. Boakai suspended both Mr. Tarlue and Ms. Pearson, Governor and Deputy Governor (Operations) respectively. Here is a July 31, 2024, communication from the Ministry of Information on the Saga.
Governor Tarlue has been suspended to answer to the audit report by the GAC,” stated Minister Piah, as he emphasized that the CBL Governor suspension emphasizes the Government of Liberia’s commitment to accountability and transparency within its institutions. The GAC report, which covers the period from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2023, details significant financial irregularities and compliance issues at the Central Bank of Liberia under Tarlue’s leadership. The GAC audit uncovered a range of findings, including reports that the CBL management exceeded approved expenditure limits by approximately $19.31 million from 2018 to 2022. The audit also uncovered that budget expenditure projections consistently surpassed revenue projections, indicating a pattern of deficit financing. The GAC report stressed that the CBL’s operations were not in compliance with the Liberian Constitution, the Public Procurement and Concessions Act, and other relevant regulations. The report highlights significant lapses in financial management and oversight at the CBL, calling for immediate corrective actions. The suspension of Governor Tarlue comes amid heightened scrutiny over the CBL’s financial practices and a push for greater transparency and accountability. Governor Tarlue, who has served in his position since 2020, was previously directed by President Boakai to assist with an ongoing IMF-approved forensic audit at the CBL. President Boakai’s decisive move to suspend Governor Tarlue underscores the administration’s commitment to addressing the issues and restoring public trust in the CBL.

What Happened to the Promised Forensic Audit?

It is difficult to know the extent of the damage caused by the massive corruption spree at the CBL under Tarlue’s tenure. What is known for sure is that Mr. Tarlue and Ms. Pearson are not the only people who should be arrested and charged for this massive corruption. The entire Board of Governors (2019-2023) and other senior staffers who participated in or aided and abetted this grand corruption scandal at the CBL should, as a matter of principle, be investigated, charged, and prosecuted. That is what is required under Liberian law. That is what is required, using ordinary common sense. What is clear is that despite his advanced age, Mr. Boakai does not have ordinary common sense. To see the extent of the damage to the country and then, instead of prosecuting these people, choose to “settle” them financially is a stab in the chest of ordinary Liberians. This nonfeasance is mind-boggling. Estimates of the damage caused by Mr. Tarlue and Co. ranged from US$ 200m to US$300m. Understandably, only a detailed forensic investigation can provide a precise figure. Notwithstanding, Mr. Boakai and his UP-led government have decided there will be no forensic investigation. This is not strange, as Mr. Boakai infamously ordered and rescinded his order to investigate hundreds of millions of US dollars of GOL being laundered by the National Security Agency.

Here are some of the news stories and articles roughly estimating that the wholesale looting of the national treasury that festered under the ex-CBL Governor Tarlue and the rest of the CBL accomplices

GAC Audit Reveals Alleged Collaboration Between Lawmakers and Executive Branch in Misappropriating $200 Million of Public Funds.
President Joseph Boakai has reached a settlement with suspended Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) Governor Aloysius Tarlue, awarding him $374,239. This comes despite a General Auditing Commission (GAC) audit report uncovering nearly $300 million in financial irregularities at the CBL, including unauthorized expenditures and potential money laundering.

For His US$ 178m Covert Operations Fraud, George Weah Should Be Charged and Prosecuted.

Liberian People Must Take Responsibility for Their Own Rescue

In any other country, citizens would be up in arms and have taken action. We saw that played out in many African countries – Burkina Faso, Mali, Kenya, South Korea, and many others. For example, recently, in Kenya, the people decided to stand up to the government, saying that they must not levy new taxes. They said, “Cut government spending and control corruption instead.” We saw that in South Korea in December 2024 when the President sought to impose martial law in contravention of the constitution. The people rose up, and today, the President is facing impeachment proceedings.

As a Liberian, I know for a fact that any mass uprising is highly unlikely. The distasteful abuse of power by Mr. Boakai and previously by Mr. Weah has been met with calls for ‘fast and prayers”. Yes, Liberians generally believe that in order for things to change in their country, Jesus Christ must return to Monrovia and carry out the change himself. Otherwise, and better yet, God Almighty himself must descend his heavenly throne and come down to Liberia to rid the country of the corrupt clique that is looting the country dry. I don’t want to second guess God; I heard he’s omnipotent, omniscient, and also omnibenevolent. It’s just that I don’t know what timeframe he’s working on. So, Liberians continue to wait for divine intervention, fasting, praying, and sprinkling holy oil, holy water, holy salt, holy candle wax, and waving holy white handkerchiefs.

Yes, Liberians fasted and prayed for six years while George Weah smoked, drank, danced “Buga,” and looted the country dry. Today, Mr. Weah, his wife, and many of his CDC insiders are rich for the rest of their lives and even for the next generation. Since January 2024, Liberians started a new round of “fasts and prayers,” this time patiently waiting for divine intervention while Mr. Boakai and the Unity Party kleptocrats complete their turn looting the country. After they finish, they’ll probably pass the country back to George Weah and CDC for “round two.” By the time these two gangs finished with Liberia, many of the “prayer warriors” would not be around to witness the new Liberia they had prayed for, the land flowing with “milk and honey” for everyone. Poverty, destitution, mental disorders, and hypertension would have caused needless early departures. As we say in Liberia, if you don’t use your head, your body will suffer. Liberians must get to the point where they say, “Enough is Enough!”

Like I said, neither Jesus nor Angel Gabriel will come down from heaven to save Liberia. If Liberians want to be free from their evil political leaders, they will have to do the job themselves – just as the People of Kenya for themselves in 2024, South Koreans in 2024, and Burkina Faso in 2014, and in many other places where the people took and took and could take no more. This country belongs to all of us – not just a handful of greedy individuals. If we wait for these greedy politicians to say, “Oh… our gut full,” – we will be waiting “till thy kingdom come”! These guys are not going to do that! The Fonati and Koon fight is a sufficient enough example. Liberians must take a stand against the Unity Party and the CDC leaders. Otherwise, these very evil people will continue to treat the rest of their compatriots as donkeys. Even donkeys refuse to be taken for a ride when they have had enough!

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